At St. Mary’s Primary, we aim to provide a framework for Student Welfare and Discipline which:

  • It is based on a philosophy of Restorative Justice.
  • Enables quality relationships that promote quality learning.
  • Promotes a sense of other. All behaviour has meaning.
  • Encourages students to develop self-discipline and a sense of worth, to respect the rights and feelings of others and to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Ensures students, staff and parents clearly understand the school's student behaviour expectations.
  • Establishes a set of protocols for dealing with unacceptable student behaviour.
  • Ensures that the pastoral care of all students is paramount.
  • Promotes a unified whole school approach.
  • The school has developed a comprehensive Student Welfare and Discipline Policy based on the Gospel values and Restorative Justice. Important aspects are the area of "positive reinforcement", the House Award System and Levels of Consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
  • Bullying is not tolerated in any form. An Anti-Bullying Policy outlines relevant information for students, parents and staff.